channel vs waitgroup in golang

In Go, channels and wait groups (sync.WaitGroup) are both concurrency primitives that help manage synchronization and coordination between goroutines. However, they serve different purposes and …

channels in golang, in details

In Go, channels are a powerful concurrency techniques that allow communication and synchronization between goroutines. Channels provide a way for one goroutine to send data …

Why Golang and its Advantage.

GoLang is a compiled language, with very simple syntax, easy handling of multi-threading app, Garbage-collected, open-source, and many more other features..

Panic and recover in Golang [Best Go examples 2020]

At run time, when a program panics, it immediately starts to unwind the call stack. Panics can also be initiated by user, by invoking inbuild panic() directly. Recover is a built-in function that regains control of a panicking goroutine. Recover is called inside a deferred functions.